Brooch Bouquet

First off, let me say that my wedding day was one of the best days of my life.  We made it our mission to have loads of fun, and boy did we ever.  HOWEVER, if I could change one teensy, tiny little thing about that day, I think…no, I KNOW I would change my bouquet.  Yes, I had a beautiful bouquet of Lilies and they were gorgeous, but for pete's sake take a look at these beauties…

Now do you hear what I'm talking about???  The entire bouquet is put together using vintage broaches (and sometimes vintage clip-on earrings) and as you can see they are truly a labor of love.  They are simply breathtaking and the flowers will live on forever and ever.   So, if I could do one thing over again from my wedding, you bet your bottom dollar I would have been holding one of these beauties.

Cheers to a vintage life well lived.

Jessica and Julie

(All images via pinterest)